7 May 2014

Stories from 7 May 2014

Hong Kong Movie Star Boycotted by Mainland Chinese

  7 May 2014

The conflict between Hong Kong and mainland Chinese on issues such as birth tourism, shortage of infant formula milk and the recent child's pee and poo has continued to fermented. Mainland Chinese netizens are mobilizing to fight back. The latest move is to boycott Hong Kong movies star Chapman To,...

Venezuela: Confusion and Attacks Discussed on Twitter

  7 May 2014

Using the hashsags #UcabCaracas and #SOSColectivosDelTerrorAtacanUCAB [SOS terror groups attack UCAB], comments and images of assaults on students on protests that apparently happened at Andrés Bello Catholic University [es] in Caracas have been widely shared. Among those tweeting inside the university campus, that has suspended it academic activities, we find...

Astronomy in Spain

  7 May 2014

Astrophysicist Angel R. López-Sánchez blogs [es] about the recent XXI State Congress of Astrophysics [es] held in Granada, Spain, on may 1-4, 2014. During the event, there was a astrophotography contest and time-lapse video, about which Angel notes: Three out of four winners are Andalucian, and this shows once again...

South Korea: Subway Crash, in the Wake of Ferry Disaster

  7 May 2014

In South Korean capital Seoul, two subway trains collided last week, injuring over 200 passengers, mostly minor injuries. The accident occurred in the wake of the Sewol ferry disaster, and the timing of the event and passengers’ immediate responses to the crash have further fueled discussion. Noticeably, most of subway...

Cuba: Throwing Sticks at Language

  7 May 2014

Havana Times explores the origin of a controversial idiom that brings into focus “the sexual idiosyncrasies of people in the Caribbean and those of Cubans in particular.”