Latinos Were Key Figures at Obama's Inauguration

The inauguration of the American president Barack Obama last January 21st, was filled with a passionate speech that foreshadows what could be the next years of his administration. Besides advocating on issues like legal gay marriage and reverting the effects of climate change, he also emphasized the need for an immigration reform and an unconditional support to young immigrants, topics that are close to the hearts of the Latino community. Also, two Latino figures, Sonia Sotomayor and Richard Blanco, played an important role during the ceremony.

The first one to take oath before the 500,000 people that sorrounded Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. was vicepresident Joe Biden. Judge Sonia Sotomayor, from Puerto Rico, was in charge and became the first Latina to lead such act. After the oath and speech by president Obama, the Cuban-American poet Richard Blanco took the stage to recite his poem “One Today”. Blanco's presence during the inauguration had a strong meaning because he is the first young, immigrant, gay, poet to inaugurate the United States presidency. All these references make Blanco the person who embodies the four electoral groups that gave Obama the win for his second term as a president.

The Latino touch continued during the parties celebrated to honor the president as tradition dictates. Also, almost 5 Latino bands participated in the parades following the inauguration. The blog InmigranteTV [es] took the opportunity to remind the Latino guests who were invited to the parties of the importance of the Hispanic vote and the commitment Obama has with this electoral community:

Las celebraciones previas a la segunda investidura presidencial de Barack Obama arrancaron con el “Latino Inaugural 2013″, que reunió en la capital a estrellas de la talla de Eva Longoria, Maná y Marc Anthony, desde el pasado sábado. A Longoria y Anthony les acompañaron destacados músicos e intérpretes como José Feliciano, Chita Rivera, Rita Moreno y el español Antonio Banderas…Los latinos, que dieron un rotundo apoyo del 70% a Obama en las elecciones de noviembre pasado, se dieron cita en la capital para festejar la victoria, pero también para recordar al presidente reelecto sus compromisos con una comunidad que, por segunda vez, ha depositado sus esperanzas en él.

The celebrations preceding the second inauguration of Barack Obama started with the “Latino Inaugural 2013″ which reunited at the capital city stars like Eva Longoria, Maná and Marc Anthony last Saturday. Along with Longoria and Anthony, several accomplished musicians and singers were invited like Jose Feliciano, Chita Rivera, Rita Moreno and the Spanish Antonio Banderas… Latinos, who gave a stounding 70% support to Obama last November, joined in the capital to celebrate the victory but also to remind the re-elected president about his commitment with the community that has placed its hopes with him for a second time.

On Twitter we gathered countless comments on the inauguration. According to Twitter user fchague (@fchague) [es] the number exceeded the million milestone:

@fchague: La toma de posesión de Obama genera 1,1 millones de ‘tuits’

@fchague: Obama's inauguration generate 1,1 million tweets

Sandra Borda (@sandraborda) [es] augura un buen comienzo de la nueva era Obama:

@sandraborda:  Obama entro con toda este año:está buscando aumentar las restricciones en posesión de armas y ahora le va a pegar al tema migratorio.

“@sandraborda: Obama stepped in strongly this year: he's looking to tighten the restrictions to gun possession and now he'll hit the migration issue.

Manuel Rodríguez B (@manuel_rodb) [es] also celebrated the details of the speech:

@manuel_rodb: No hay mayor amenaza sobre la humanidad que el cambio climático. De allí la importancia del anuncio de Obama de combatirlo, en su posesión.

@manuel_rodb: There isn't bigger threat over humanity than climate change. Thus, the importance of Obama's announcement during his inauguration to fight against it.

Efraín Frausto (@efrainfrausto) [es] is also happy about the importance of Latinos during the inauguration:

@efrainfrausto: Ayer en la toma de posesión de Obama se dio mucha relevancia a los latinos, afroamericanos y homosexuales en las decisiones gubernamentales.

@efrainfrausto: Yesterday at Obama's inauguration latinos, african-americans and gays were given a lead role in the governement's decisions.

Natalia Springer (@nataliaspringer) [es] is looking for concrete results:

@nataliaspringer: Muchos latinos en la ceremonia de posesión de Obama. Que se pase de los gestos a los hechos en favor de una minoría discriminada!

@nataliaspringer: Many latinos at Obama's inauguration ceremony. I hope that he goes beyond gestures and starts showing results for a discriminated minority!

It is said that the national anthem sang by Beyonce was lip-synched, a moment that was also widely commented among Latinos. The humor touch was given by El Mono Sánchez (@elmonitosanchez) [es] who compared the issue with what happened to Shakira when she miss-interpreted Colombia's national anthem at the America's Summit in Cartagena:

@elmonitosanchez: Pregunta estúpida…será que a Obama le afecta que el himno lo canten con “doblaje” en su posesión? Al menos no le cantaron a Ublime!

@elmonitosanchez: Stupid question… do you think Obama cares that the anthem was lip-synched during his inauguration? At least she didn't sing to Ublime!

Chigüire Bipolar (@ChiguireBipolar) also commented:

@ChiguireBipolar: Obviamente, suena es “Single Ladies” RT @CochinoPop: ¿Dobló Beyonce el Himno de EEUU en la toma de posesión de Obama? >

@ChiguireBipolar: Obviously, background music was “Single Ladies” RT @CochinoPop: Did Beyonce lip-synched USA national anthem during Obama's inauguration?

Juan Pablo Cuevas (@mistercaves) expressed his astonishment:

@mistercaves: Me cuesta trabajo pensar que Beyoncé “dobló” en la posesión de Obama… :0

@mistercaves: I find it hard to believe that Beyonce lip-synched at Obamas inauguration… :O

Here are some pictures taken by the author at Obama's inauguration:

La seguridad se desplegó a varios metros a la redonda

Security was tight at the sorrounding areas.

People gathering next to the White House.

An invitation to the balcony sections close to Obama's podium.

The caravan that followed president Obama.

President Barack Obama addressing the people during his inauguration. Taken from YouTube.


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