USA: Indigenous Youth Media Project Recovers History

For a Navajo community, video has become a way to connect youth with their ancestors and the history of their people through the story of the Yellow Woman.

Camille Manybeads Tso during the production

Waves of Change tells us about Rachel Tso, who through her work with Outta Your Backpack Media has trained indigenous youth in movie making and media distribution. In this particular example, it led to Camille Manybeads Tso producing the story of her great grandmother and making the award winning youth film: In the Footsteps of Yellow Woman.

The process of making the movie has been documented by Rachel on 2 videos showing the different steps taken to make this place based media assignment that is also her thesis.

Outta Your Backpack Media helps indigenous youth to produce and distribute media relevant to their interests and reflecting their concerns and their voices. You can watch more of their videos on the Outta Your Backpack YouTube channel.

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