· February, 2009

Stories about Italy from February, 2009

Japan: Bloggers on the Nakagawa affair

  27 February 2009

Over a week has passed since now-infamous footage of Japan's former finance minister Shōichi Nakagawa stumbling through a 20 minute speech at the G7 meeting in Rome made world headlines and hit the top of YouTube charts. In this post I feature a handful of responses to the speech by Japanese bloggers.

Japan: Hetalia Axis Powers and the limits of parody

  17 February 2009

Hetalia, a satirical manga set mainly during the Second World War and featuring national protagonists of that era, has attracted attention among both domestic and international audiences for its caricature of world nations. In this post, read reactions in translation from bloggers in both Japan, where the manga originated, and in Italy, the country most strongly ridiculed.

Italy: In Defense of the “Right to die”

  10 February 2009

A legal battle over a young woman's 'right to die' after 17 years in a coma has spurred both vast online commentary and activism in Italy. Mostly in defense of "Eluana Englaro's choice", Italian netizens have signed petitions, organized protests, and made YouTube videos of their own 'living will' testimonies, in defiance of both prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Vatican.

Italy Seethes over Brazil's Extradition Refusal

  4 February 2009

Italians are still debating a controversial decision of the Brazilian government to guarantee political asylum to convicted felon Cesare Battisti, in spite of an extradition request by the Italian foreign ministry. The decision to grant asylum is currently being considered by the Brazilian supreme court.