· February, 2006

Stories about Sudan from February, 2006

Sudan: Sudanese officals involved in HR violations

  27 February 2006

Passion of the Present reports on the release of the names of high ranking Sudanese officials involved in “gross human rights violations”….”The names on the U.N. sanctions list underscore how top Sudanese officials have been responsible for ongoing atrocities in Darfur,”

Darfur: NATO deployment

  23 February 2006

Sudan-Reeves believes the presence of a NATO force in Darfur alongside the AU forces would immediately challenge the genocidal actions of the Janjaweed militia and bring security to the region.

Sudan: Yale sells stock in oil

  17 February 2006

The Passion of the Present reports that students of Yale university in the US have called for the university authorities to remove any financial interests they may have with Sudan.. “Yale had stock in one of seven oil companies that produced a good amount of revenue for the Sudanese government....

Sudan: Darfur

  13 February 2006

The Passion of the Present points to a report in the NY Times ” Disposable cameras for disposable people…………Meet some of the disposable people of Darfur, the heirs of the disposable Armenians, Jews, Cambodians, Rwandans and Bosnians of past genocides. Look carefully, for several hundred thousand people like these have...

  9 February 2006

Musengeshi Katata comments (FR) on Amely-James Koh Bela's book on African prostitution in the West at Forum Realisance: “Can one really defend values that are everyday assaulted and eroded by poverty? … Without a battle against poverty including against western exploitation and the depravation of African economies, without a protracted...

Sudan: new violence in Darfur

7 February 2006

SudanReeves reports that new violence is displacing tens of thousands of Dafuris……..”As New Violence Displaces Many Tens of Thousands of Darfuris, as humanitarian security deteriorates badly, threatening hundreds of thousands, the Bush administration decides these people are no longer victims of genocide.”

Sleepless in Sudan: Goodbye

2 February 2006

Darfur aid worker Sleepless in Sudan says goodbye……”It's somewhat bittersweet to write those words after having ranted and raved, moaned and marvelled, and generally obsessed about Darfur for so long. Of course, it's not that I have run out of things to rant about.”

From the African Union Summit to Darfur—Musings about Sudan

1 February 2006

The 6th African Union (AU) summit took place in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum from 16-24 January 2004. Key on the agenda was who should succeed the Nigerian president as the next African Union chairperson. Tradition dictates that the leader of the host country should become the next chairperson. However,...