· November, 2010

Stories about Cote d'Ivoire from November, 2010

Africa: Africa needs to change voting system

  6 November 2010

Africa needs to embrace new technologies to run elections: “Furthermore, Africans have recently wondered why their countries don’t adopt the voting system such as those in the West where results are often announced within 48 hours. We have greatly embraced technologies such as the mobile phones, money transfer, etc…why not...

Cote d'Ivoire: Campaign Against Child Soldiers Through Music

  3 November 2010

Fighting against child soldiers in coThe Zoblazo and Voila string star is back with his latest album 1000% M20. Mamadou & Bineta, which is on the album, was offered to the United Nations Programme for Development (UNDP) actively campaigning for not using child soldiers in conflicts.

Côte d'Ivoire: African Elections Project uses Motribe to cover elections

  1 November 2010

African Elections Project uses Motribe to covers elections in Côte d'Ivoire: “One day before the elections the African Election Project and Motribe decided to work together to launch a social network that would enable Ivorians to chat, share photos and find out more about the elections as they happened.”

Côte d'Ivoire: Presidential Election in Pictures

  1 November 2010

On this Sunday, October 31st, registered voters in Côte d'Ivoire cast their ballots in the first presidential election in 10 years, due to the Civil War that broke out in 2002 and the subsequent issues that arose from it. Despite some initial delays in some polling stations, voting has been reportedly peaceful and the turnout appears to have been good. Here is a selection of pictures of the voting day.