· October, 2006

Stories about Jordan from October, 2006

Arabisc: Rebellious Behaviour and the Quest for Intellectuals

  26 October 2006

With the festive season wrapping up in the Arab world, Egyptian blogger Kareem Amer has decided to ‘come out of the closet’ and drop a bombshell – making some of his readers happy and others not so! The Alexandria law student doesn't mince his words when he announces to his...

Jordan: Marriage tips

26 October 2006

Getting married soon? Khalidah has 48 tips for a happy marriage. Don't miss them!

The Week That Was in Bahrain

  22 October 2006

It has been yet another busy week on the Bahraini blogsophere, with some bloggers rallying behind an anti-sectarianism campaign, Just Bahraini; others just back home from a long holiday; and one celebrating his/her (?) birthday! In local politics, Mahmood Al Yousif is keeping us abreast with all that's happening on...

Jordan: Election delay

  12 October 2006

The last week has seen a full blown attack against the idea of delaying parliamentary elections due next summer. No official has said that a delay is being considered. So, who set up this straw man for people to kick around? Khalaf wonders.

Arabisc: Ramadan, War, Freedom and Other Issues

  12 October 2006

With all Muslim countries marking the Holy Month of Ramadan, UAE blogger Bin Kerishan, wonders why people fast. كل العبادات تسبب للانسان الاما و معاناه كالحج و الصلاه و الصيام و الاخير من اقساها و اكثرها ضررا على صحته.. لماذا لا يكون الطقس الديني مسليا؟ كالذهاب لملاقاة الاصدقاء في المقهى...

Jordan: Jordanising The Workforce

  11 October 2006

Nas reports that the Jordanian government has decided to “Jordanise” the workforce by creating a ‘strategy’ that includes using the municipalities to employ Jordanians through a direct application process. If all goes according to plan, some 40,000 foreign workers will be replaced with Jordanians.

Jordan: In Criticising Qatar!

  5 October 2006

As a Jordanian who claims to love his country and wish all success for its citizens in their hopes and aspirations, I felt angry by Qatar's refusal to vote for prince Zeid as a potential successor for Mr Kofi Annan as Secretary General of the UN. I thought this attitude...

Jordan: Jordan is having rude awakening!

  2 October 2006

Hatem Abunimeh wonder whether the gripe by the federation of the labor unions is something that will have some grave consequences on the long run, or is it going to end up being just a tempest in the tea pot.! “Getting wrangled in legal proceedings can be very arduous thorny...