· April, 2006

Stories about Guatemala from April, 2006

Guatemala: Mayan Translators

27 April 2006

Noting that five Mayan languages are at risk of extinction, Chapinadas tells the story of the first graduating class of Mayan translators from the Academy of Mayan Languages.

Guatemala: Rebuilding After Stan

20 April 2006

“Heather Parr was in Guatemala as Hurricane Stan struck in October 2005. Here she shares her account of how the local community she has got to know in Sololá has undertaken the task of rebuilding their lives and their future.” Check out parts I, II, and III.

Guatemala: Film Review

  11 April 2006

Blog de Esquipulas has an intriguing review (ES) of the movie Fronteras Sangrientas, which was filmed in rural Guatemala.

Guatemala: Online Documentaries

5 April 2006

Patrick writes in Spanish and English that videos about Guatemala are starting to appear on the Internet, including one about responsible tourism.

Guatemala: April Fool's Day

4 April 2006

Oscar Mota notes that April first (ES) is April Fool's Day in much of the world, unlike Latin America where “Día de los Inocentes” falls on December 28th. Several fictitious stories were mistakenly submitted to the Digg-like Spanish aggregator, Menéame.