· May, 2011

Stories about Chile from May, 2011

Chile: Should State TV Play Hidroaysen Ads?

  25 May 2011

Luis Cuello in El Quinto Poder, describes how [es] Television Nacional de Chile, the State's television channel, played the latest of ads by Hidroaisen campaign during the night news (prime time in Chile).  He asks readers whether this is the right approach, considering that thousands have repeatedly protested in past weeks...

Technology for Transparency: Final Report

  22 May 2011

The Technology for Transparency Network is proud to announce the release of its final report, "Global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability". The report is being published by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (@TAInitiative) along with a over a dozen other reports on the global transparency movement.

Chile: Citizens Reject the Hidroaysen Dam Project

  16 May 2011

On Monday, May 9, a project to construct a hydroelectric dam called Hidroaysén was approved amid a tense atmosphere marked by about 1,000 people demonstrating outside the place where the voting took place. In social networks, slogans against the government and the project were quickly followed by the hashtag #noahidroaysen, a Trending Topic. An estimated 10,000 people answered the call to protest in the streets across the country that day.