· January, 2007

Stories about Timor-Leste from January, 2007

East Timor: Foreign Police and Peace Keepers

  29 January 2007

Beyond Teresa feels that criticism of international military and police forces that they act like they are on vacation in East Timor is wrong. “From a sociological and psychological point of view: these people are away from home and friends, in a tropical climate, and some have the chance to...

East Timor: Egg Shortage

  8 January 2007

Dili-Gence talks about the shortage of eggs in East Timor. “I asked two locals and both said that there had been a huge buy-up for Christmas feasting. One (with a wicked smile on her face) blamed the Portuguese for baking too many cakes.”

East Timor: Movie Reflections

  7 January 2007

Tumbleweed in Timor Lorosae reflects on the diamond industry after watching the latest hollywood movie that talks about conflict diamonds. The violence scenes in the movie also reminds her of the real-life violence that took place in East Timor last year.

East Timor: Traffic Lights in Dili

  3 January 2007

Dili-Gence comments on the newly installed traffic lights in Dili, the capital of East Timor. “You can drive across Dili in 15 minutes and apart from the odd traffic snarl due to either an accident, breakdown or sudden road closure, I can not recall ever thinking that traffic was a...