· March, 2006

Stories about Mongolia from March, 2006

Mongolia: Reporter in Court

  30 March 2006

Luke Distelhorst writes about the case of a journalist in Mongolia being taken to court for slander by the country's president and says that the country would greatly benefit from more skilled investigative journalists and greater access to government documents.

Mongolia: Eagle TV

  28 March 2006

Thomas Terry, in charge of Mongolia's Eagle TV, posts photos and notes from studio expansion after which the station will offer greatly expanded news broadcasts.

Mongolia: Ivanhoe's Muscle

  27 March 2006

Shards of Mongolia notes that former US Secretary of State James Baker has paid a visit to Mongolia's prime minister and minister of trade and industry on behalf of Ivanhoe Mines. Shards of Mongolia says that the government absolutely must resist this pressure.

Mongolia: Roads

  23 March 2006

neweurasia's Mongolia blog commenced posting and among many posts, this one here discusses whether Mongolia should really look into nuclear power as an energy alternative.

Mongolia: TV on the Steppe

  16 March 2006

Just because one leads a nomadic life doesn't mean one should suffer poor television reception. Shards of Mongolia writes that reception stands to get much better for Mongolia's nomads soon.

Mongolia: Mining

15 March 2006

Shards of Mongolia says that mining is big business in Mongolia, and it looks to get bigger if the country does in fact sit on the world's largest gold and copper reserves. The government is trying to make sure that the country's mineral wealth benefits Mongolians.

Mongolia: Corruption and Censorship

  13 March 2006

Shards of Mongolia says that corruption in the Mongolian government causes it to not do enough to stop censorship, and that if it truly wants to claim itself as a free and democratic state, it must do more to combat this problem.