· March, 2013

Below are posts about citizen media in Ukrainian. Don't miss Global Voices по-українськи, where Global Voices posts are translated into Ukrainian! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about Ukrainian from March, 2013

Crowdmapping Ukraine's Snow Volunteers

  26 March 2013

Watcher.com.ua reports [uk] that Kyiv-based netizens have set up an online volunteer coordination map [uk, ru] and a website [uk, ru] to offer help to those affected by the unprecedented snowfall in Ukraine's capital [see this GV text]. The map indicates the location of volunteers who can offer hot drinks...

Ukraine's Roads: An Endangered Species

This winter, Ukraine's roads look as if they've been hit by hundreds of small meteors. The public outrage over the appalling state of the roads has temporarily stolen the social media spotlight from other important political events taking place in Ukraine.

About our Ukrainian coverage
