· August, 2009

Below are posts about citizen media in Russian. Don't miss Global Voices по-русски, where Global Voices posts are translated into Russian! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about Russian from August, 2009

Russia: Photos and Drawings of Opposition Rally

  31 August 2009

Photos from the Aug. 31 opposition rally in Moscow – by LJ user mnog (RUS); drawings and an observation – by LJ user pshevelev (RUS): “A few people are chanting ‘Shame!’ and are being seized [by the police], and the other 60 are taking photos and keeping silent. If you're...

Russia: Satellite Pics of Traffic Jam Caused by Officials

  29 August 2009

LJ user travel_hunter (RUS) re-posts images of Yandex.ru maps showing an impressive amount of cars forced to wait until some high-ranking Russian officials pass an intersection in Moscow. LJ user dolboeb posts these images, too, and writes (RUS): “When you just get stuck in traffic caused by the passing of...

Russia: Two Photos of Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

  29 August 2009

LJ user drugoi visits Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric dam, posts two photos and writes (RUS) about the colossal damage done to the facility on Aug. 17: “It seems that it's easier to build a new power plant than to clear up the huge amount of deformed metal and restore the turbine hall.”

Russia: Stalin at Renovated Kurskaya

  26 August 2009

LJ user russos posts photos (RUS) of the newly renovated Kurskaya-Koltsevaya metro station in Moscow, which now sports this line from the 1944 version of the Soviet anthem: “Stalin brought us up – on loyalty to the people, he inspired us to labor and to heroism!” The post has so...

Kazakhstan: On the Efficacy of Government

  25 August 2009

How professional is the government? Is it rigorous enough in performing its functions? How often does it interfere in matters beyond its competence? These are among the most popular questions discussed in the Kazakh blogosphere. Izhanov writes a gloomy, ironic post on the “sensitive” subject of bidding in the process...

Russia: Flag Day Rally

  22 August 2009

LJ users daria_mas and alter-gregor post photos (RUS) from the opposition rally that took place in Moscow on Russia's Flag Day and ended with riot police detaining some of the activists.

Ukraine: In Chinese, Yanukovych is Yushchenko?

  21 August 2009

Evgeny Morozov of Foreign Policy's Net.Effect writes: “It turns out that when you use Google Translate to translate (from Chinese to Russian) the expression “Vote for Yanukovych” (Yanukovych was Kremlin's favorite candidate), Google gives you “Vote for Yushenko” in the translated version. Global conspiracy orchestrated by Google!”

Russia, Ukraine: Music vs Politics

  12 August 2009

LJ user oleg_kozyrev asks (RUS) Ukrainians not to get offended at Russia because of president Medvedev's address and suggests that fellow-bloggers post “something Ukrainian today,” ending his post with a YouTube video of Vopli Vidoplyasova‘s Vesna (“Spring”) song.

Russia, Ukraine: Medvedev's Address

  12 August 2009

Foreign Policy's Passport links to the vlog post with president Medvedev's Ukraine address and the English-language translation of the transcript. Eternal Remont comments on some of Medvedev's statements: “[…] ‘The leadership in Kiev took an openly anti-Russian stand after the Georgia War.’ This is not allowed under Section 6 of...

Georgia, Russia: Cyber Attacks on Blogger ‘Cyxymu’

  9 August 2009

In 2008, the Russo-Georgian war coincided with the Beijing Olympics, diverting some of the public attention from the peaceful sporting event. This week, cyber attacks on LJ, Twitter and Facebook, targeting Tbilisi-based blogger cyxymu, have added an extra dimension to the coverage of the war's first anniversary.

Kazakhstan: Economics and blogs

  6 August 2009

Megakhuimyak talks about the models of social behavior of the Kazakhstani citizens… [ru]: People of the Third World countries specifically like to spend their money to show off, especially, when wedding parties are concerned. A couple has just married, but tens of thousands of dollars are already spent. Then they...

About our Russian coverage
