· May, 2008

Below are posts about citizen media in Korean. Don't miss Global Voices 한국어, where Global Voices posts are translated into Korean! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about Korean from May, 2008

Korea: Grand Canal Confession

  28 May 2008

The Grand Canal plan, which the new Korean president dreamed of for a long time even before the election, seems to face another problem since the plan brought out so many arguments and doubts. Whether the plan is on behalf of the people or of him, some people expect economic...

Korea: Saving One Life

  23 May 2008

A netizen shares a cute story that happened on a usual day for him. Helping others might not be so hard. …안녕하세요.. 저는 20대 직장인 남자입니다^^! 다른게 아니라 어제 밤 11시 30분쯤에 있었던일을 이야기할려합니다… 뚜뚜~~뚜뚜~~뚜우우~ 7시다 퇴근하자 칼퇴근.. ㅁㅅㅁ 퇴근을 마치고.. 요즘 똥배가 조금나와서 8시부터 항상 운동을합니다.. 이 한강근처라.. 한강에서...

Korea: The birth of the New Political Generation Online

  19 May 2008

Since the content of the US-Korea Beef Trade agreement was publicized in Korean society, many things have happened. Unexpected scenes of teenage students’ active participation in candlelight vigils against the trade and policies of the current government and their continual activities (not just temporary participation) have been ongoing. Even though...

Korean internet site attacked by Chinese hackers

  16 May 2008

The biggest auction site in Korea, “Auction,” was involved in a hacker attack in February and lost the personal information of at least 11 million customers. Recently, the hackers were found to be Chinese. In addition, Koreans are related to this crime. The fact that the personal information is used...

Korea: Resignation of the King of Samsung Kingdom

  14 May 2008

The king of Samsung, Lee Kun-Hee, finally announced his resignation last month. Since this announcement, some netizens collect others’ thoughts on the issue and how much it will influence the Korean economy, or question whether the gesture will really make changes inside the Samsung Kingdom. 삼성 이건희 회장이 삼성과 관련한...

Korea: Youth hold Candlelight Vigils against US Beef Imports

  13 May 2008

Fears of mad cow disease, have led to anger over a new deal to import U.S. beef to Korea. Young people have been holding candlelight vigils for 2 weeks. An online signature-seeking campaign to impeach the president in response to several new policies has received 1.2 million signatures and the number is rapidly increasing.

About our Korean coverage
