· January, 2014

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Stories about French from January, 2014

Château-Rouge: A Prominent African Food Market in Paris

  30 January 2014

In order to find ingredients for African cuisine in Paris, the go-to place is still the Château-Rouge area located in the 18th District, specifically in the Rue Dejean street market [fr] that operates every day except Monday. The African Expatriate explains why the market is such a draw for many...

A Business Model Competition to Ignite Start Ups in Madagascar

  29 January 2014

Harinjaka, founder of the co-working space Habaka and Madagascar-based blogger, created the 2014 Antananarivo Start Up Cup [fr] whose objective is to select and support the best business ideas in Madagascar. He thinks that there is a bright future for entrepreneurship and innovation [fr] in Madagascar. Here is a poster for the event [fr] :...

Sports as a Vector of Peace in Burkina Faso

  29 January 2014

The National Department of Sports and Entertainment in Burkina Faso published a report on the role of sports as a vector of peace and development in Burkina Faso [PDF in fr]: Les programmes sportifs bien conçus renforcent les capacités humaines de base, créent des relations interpersonnelles et inculquent des valeurs...

INNOVATION: Containers as Student Housing at European Universities

  28 January 2014

In order to alleviate the lack of student housing available across Europe, a few universities in Denmark, Germany, France (Le Havre) [fr] and Spain have tried to turn containers into student dorms. Containers appear to be the structure of choice because they are less costly and readily adaptable to include the necessary amenities....

The Worrisome Job Market Projection in Burkina Faso

  22 January 2014

The AFDB published its country report for Burkina Faso in which it highlights the worrisome job market trend [fr] for the next decade :  Sept burkinabè sur dix ont moins de 30 ans. Le nombre de jeunes (15-24 ans), primo demandeurs d’emplois, doublera entre 2010 et 2030, passant de trois à six millions...

Catherine Samba-Panza, Mayor of Bangui, Elected as Transitional President of Central African Republic

  20 January 2014

After Michel Djotodia stepped down as president [fr] two weeks ago, the Central African Republic (CAR) Parliament elected Catherine Samba-Panza [fr], former mayor of Bangui, as the transitional president in charge of stabilizing the country until the next elections. Samba-Panza was recognized for her crisis management of the city during the rebels pillaging...

Massive Street Protests against Constitutional Reform in Burkina Faso

  20 January 2014

On January 18, thousands of Burkinabe citizens took to the streets of Ouagadougou [fr] to protest against proposed changes of the constitution that would allow current president Campaoré to run for another mandate. The protests were relayed on many Burkinabe twitter feed. Alain Boh Bi posted images of the protest: Jan18th,...

About our French coverage
