Yarisa Colón Torres

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Latest posts by Yarisa Colón Torres

Independent Projects of Ecological Solidarity Flourish in Puerto Rico

  29 May 2013

Ecological solidarity is getting stronger every day, thanks to the people working hard to develop independent projects in Puerto Rico. Here are a few examples that confirm once again that the goal of preserving nature, cultivating non-toxic products and advocating for sustainability isn't an impossible dream.

“Ask Angy” Humanizes the Experience of Undocumented Immigrants

  20 February 2013

Angy Rivera shares her immigration story with the world in hopes of humanizing this complex experience, particularly in the United States. Two years ago she publicly announced that "she did not fear being undocumented," and since then she writes a column entitled Ask Angy, in which she responds to questions, doubts, and comments.

The Three Kings Visit New York

  10 January 2013

The Three Kings came and went, but not before passing through New York City to celebrate with hundreds of children that came out for the parade. This Christmas celebration has been a part of the Caribbean and Latin American cultural traditions for numerous centuries.

Fighting Deportation in the U.S.

  8 December 2012

The national "We Belong Together" campaign is compiling testimonies in response to the passing of new immigration laws in the U.S. and addressing the prejudices they perpetuate.

The United States: Structural Violence on the Global Frontier

  3 October 2012

La Asociación de Estudiantes Latinos y Latinoamericanos (AELLA) del Graduate Center, City University of New York los invita a participar en la conferencia gratuita "Violencia estructural en la frontera global: Centroamerica, México y Estados Unidos", la cual se celebrará el próximo 4, 5 y 6 de octubre del 2012 en John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The Graduate Center, CUNY y St. Mary's Church, respectivamente. Las repercusiones de las políticas agresivas anti-migratorias, las deportaciones, los desaparecidos, las amenazas y la inseguridad que atenta contra las vidas de los miles de migrantes son algunos de los temas que se discutirán durante los tres días repletos de actividades. La conferencia será transmitida en vivo en el portal de Asuntos del Sur: www.asuntosdelsur.org. Para más información escriban a aella.gradcenter@gmail.com.

United States: A Visit to Remember “El Barrio”

  4 September 2012

Andrew Padilla, a young Puerto Rican born and raised in El Barrio, New York, has decided to delve into his community in a very creative way. By launching a blog and a documentary, “El Barrio Tours”, Padilla explores the impact of “gentrification” in one of Manhattan's most prominent cultural axis.

Puerto Rico: Racist Tweets Against Obama Cause Outrage

  8 August 2012

Heidi Wys Toro, one of the advisors of the current speaker of Puerto Rico's House of Representatives Jennifer González, posted some racist comments about the president of the United States, Barack Obama, and his wife Michelle on Twitter. This is not the first time that Wys, who favors that Puerto Rico becomes a state of the United States, used this network to insult president Obama.

United States: Another Assault on Immigrant Culture

  20 February 2012

The decision to eliminate the Mexican-American studies program from the curriculum of schools has caused outrage. Yarisa Colón covers several initiatives that have been launched to stop this act of censorship against the culture of immigrants in the United States.

United States: Occupy Wall Street Also Speaks Spanish

  2 January 2012

Activist Mariné Pérez talks about coordinating the Spanish translation of the Occupy Wall Street Journal in New York, the relationship with traditional mass media, the impact of the removal of protesters from Zuccotti Park, and the plans to launch a new newspaper with original content in Spanish focused on the immigrant and Latino communities in the United States.

Puerto Rico: Imaginaires and Creativity on the Move

  2 October 2011

It hasn't been long since the exhibition Carry On: Puerto Rico Inspected opened in Villa Victoria Center for the Arts in Boston, Massachusetts. Through the concept of portability both the curators and the artists have pushed the barriers that prevent the exposure of Puerto Rican art in the United States and other countries.