Tarek Amr · January, 2008

Latest posts by Tarek Amr from January, 2008

Egypt: America Decides

  14 January 2008

The United States is a the only Super Power in today's Unipolar World. And that's why it takes people here two years to talk about the Presidential Elections there before it even starts, and they continue talking about it for another two years later, writes Tarek Amr, who brings us the latest buzz from the Egyptian blogosphere on the elections, the presidential race and the candidates.

Egypt: From Blogs to Books

  13 January 2008

Many bloggers maybe revolting against mainstream media and traditional publishing by embracing new technology. In Egypt, the written word is finding its home again in books. Tarek Amr shows how some bloggers are turning into authors ahead of the Cairo Book Fair in this post he has translated from Arabic.

Egypt: Chinese Goods

  10 January 2008

Chinese goods are swamping markets worldwide. Egyptians now have to deal with roving Chinese salesmen and women knocking on their doors. Tarek Amr brings us the story.

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