Tarek Amr · December, 2007

Latest posts by Tarek Amr from December, 2007

Egypt: Murad and the Freedom of Speech

  31 December 2007

Judge Murad lost his case and the court ruled in favour of freedom of speech. The Administrative Judicial Court issued a sentence in Case No. 15575 / 61, which was brought by Judge Abdul Fattah Murad calling for banning the 51 websites on the Internet in Egypt. You can read...

Egypt: Bidding Farewell to Bhutto

  29 December 2007

Egyptian bloggers couldn't stop themselves from writing about the assassination of one of the bravest women in the Muslim world, and may be the whole world. Carmen – Diasporic Discontents – wrote about her own experience when she met Bhutto [En]. I met Benazir Bhutto when I was in grad...

Egypt: Rama Yade

  25 December 2007

Rama Yade, France's Secretary of State, has inspired Egyptian blogger Eastern Bird to write the following post, which Tarek Amr translates from Arabic.

Egypt: Annapolis Adieu

  1 December 2007

"Annapolis, Annapolis, this name is haunting me everywhere I go - in newspapers and blogs and on TV. For me, Annapolis seems to be a Greek city near The Acropolis, or something. But the truth is, it is an American city where a peace conference was held between the Arabs, Israelis, and Americans," writes Tarek Amr, who gives us a new perspective on the peace talks.

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