Stephen Cairns

Latest posts by Stephen Cairns

Peru: Blogger Sentenced for Defamation of Former Politician

  4 November 2010

On Friday, October 29th, the court's sentence was handed down for the offensive libel suit brought by the former government minister and parliament member Jorge Mufarech Nemy against the law school graduate and blogger José Alejandro Godoy. The reaction from media and bloggers has been immediate.

Chile: Natividad Llanquileo, voice of the Mapuche hunger strike

  25 October 2010

Natividad Llanquileo was the spokesperson of the Mapuche prisoners that were on hunger strike for more than 80 days; she is 26 years old and a law student. Media from different countries and social networks have been moved by this girl's image and steady voice that explains the hunger strike, the demands of the prisoners and the dignity of the Mapuche.