sami ben gharbia · November, 2007

Latest posts by sami ben gharbia from November, 2007

Access Denied Map: Mapping Web 2.0 Censorship

  12 November 2007

In order to shed light on the battle being waged between state censorship and anti-censorship groups, I’ve created the Access Denied Map, an interactive Google Maps mashup that provides information about the censorship efforts targeting various online social networking communities and web-based applications. Each marker on the map highlights the situation in a specific country that is barring access to major websites. Clicking on the marker opens an information window containing text, images or video describing the nature of censorship and the efforts to combat it.

Tunisia: is Youtube blocked?

  2 November 2007

Several Tunisian bloggers are reporting today not being able to access the popular video-sharing site Youtube. If it turns out to be true, Youtube will be the second video sharing site blocked by Tunisia. Since September 3rd, 2007, Tunisia is still blocking access to Dailymotion.

sami ben gharbia's space

I'm the co-founder of several Tunisian online projects:

Nawaat (The Core)

Ben Ali Yezzi Fock
Ben Ali Yezzi Fock !

Tunisian Prison Map
Tunisian Prison Map
