Rosario Lizana · January, 2007

Latest posts by Rosario Lizana from January, 2007

Chile: First Bloggers Association

  24 January 2007

A group of Bloggers have decided to make the Chilean Association of Bloggers [ES]. The idea was born from the concern of not having a organized manner of communication. As they explain: Somos una agrupación de voluntarios con objetivos comunes, que mediante los blogs, buscamos desarrollar iniciativas comunitarias de diversa...

Chilean Bloggers on Bolivia’s Chaos

  18 January 2007

Chilean Bloggers are concerned with what is happening in Bolivia. As Tomás Bradanovic (ES) explains: La horrible situación por la que está atravesando Bolivia tiene en su base un enorme malentendido donde tanto el gobierno como la oposición son incapaces de comprender el pensamiento del otro. Juzgan y actúan equivocadamente...

Chile: OLPC and Politics 2.0

  11 January 2007

Chileans bloggers are very impressed so far with the US$ 100 laptop, OLPC. But how will the innovative device, meant to help bridge the digital divide, arrive to Chile? What do laptops have to do with politics? As Marcelo Aliaga (ES) explains: Como en todo, hay un chileno trabajando en...

Chilean Opinion 2006

  3 January 2007

Chilean bloggers have summed up the good and bad of 2006. El observatorio politico [ES] described six of the main general issues that are still not going the right way: corruption in the leftist party, the failure in the fight against delinquency, a deep crisis in our education system, low...