Renata Avila · October, 2012

Latest posts by Renata Avila from October, 2012

Ada Lovelace Day: Celebrating Women's Genius

  16 October 2012

Ada Lovelace Day, celebrated every October 16, honors international women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths -women's whose skills are urgently needed for the future of the world. Here we highlight some of these extraordinary women.

Guatemala: 7 Indigenous Protesters Killed in Totonicapán

  5 October 2012

At least 7 civilians were killed on October 4 when combined armed forces violently removed indigenous demonstrators from Cuatro Caminos, a well-known road intersection in Guatemala. Demonstrators were protesting the rising price of electricity, and the education and constitutional reforms proposed by the government.

Honduras: Charter Cities Threaten Garífuna Communities

  2 October 2012

The government of Porfirio Lobo recently signed an agreement to implement a variant of Charter Cities, called Special Development Regions (REDs), in Honduras. REDs can only be implemented in uninhabited land; in the case of Honduras, however, 24 Garífuna communities could be removed from their territory if the project continues its agreed course.