Moussa Bashir · April, 2010

Latest posts by Moussa Bashir from April, 2010

Lebanon: Marching for Secularism

Lebanese Laïque Pride will hold a rally for secularism on April 25. They are a group of citizens who are calling for the full implementation of article (c) of the Lebanese Constitution's preamble: “Respect for the freedom of opinion and belief,” “social justice,” and “equality of rights and duties between...

Lebanon: 24/7 Campaign for Migrants’ Rights

The 24/7: Campaign is a new online campaign working to alter the servant stereotype established between an Asian/African person and a Lebanese person. It is raising awareness to the fact that migrant workers are business persons from sophisticated cultures. The campaign aims at improving work conditions which, despite the recently...

Lebanon: Combating Domestic Violence

“In the Middle East, many still believe it is ok for a man to beat his wife. KAFA is one organization that is working hard to erase this mentality of acceptance. Dinosaurs are extinct; it’s time for domestic violence to become extinct, too.” Developing Lebanon posted about an event held by...

Lebanon: Virginity and Hypocrisy

“I attended […] a discussion with [the] creator of Jasad Magazine about the language of the body, sexuality and relationships, and the last part was about how virginity and the lack of it are perceived in the Lebanese society. The hymen restoration was brought up, and yada yada…” writes Liliane...

Lebanon: Dissemination of Information in the Arab World

“In 1991, the Arabs were terrified of Western supremacy in technology (smart bombs for example that CNN kept showing their devastating effects in collateral damages on civilians)… In 2003, Arab/Moslem masses had Al Jazeera channel to cover the war among 32 other satellite channels…This information victory scared the Western civilization…”...

Lebanon: First Muslim-Christian Feast

“This year, Lebanon finally celebrated its first Muslim-Christian feast: the Annunciation (البشارة) on March 25th… At first, I was quite skeptical about this inter-religious feast…[later] I started to feel that there was something good about that celebration…” writes Worried Lebanese about the newly declared unified Muslim-Christian Holiday commemorating the Virgin...

Lebanon: Chant and Scent

While hundreds of well dressed Lebanese were flocking towards the churches of Beirut to the religious chants emanating from loud speakers, a strong scent of the shiploads of cows penetrated every street and house. This took place on the night of Good Friday as reported by Bech.

Lebanon: Special Tribunal Monitor

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon Monitor is a blog of the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) which publishes daily press reviews, UN documents and similar information related to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that was set up to try those involved in the assassination of former prime minister Rafic...

Lebanon: Who's the Pervert

Ibrahim Arab writes about the stunned reaction by the Arab youth to the news that Ricky Martin is a homosexual, using the Arabic word شاذ which means pervert or not normal. He comments “your perversion, Ricky Martin, is more merciful than our perversion,” pointing to issues of injustice and crimes...

Lebanon: Organizing Blogging

Hanibaael posts an article in Arabic in which the blogger gives a short account of the history of blogging in Lebanon and the current attempt to organize Lebanese bloggers into formal group called “Lebloggers”.

Lebanon: Salwa against sexual harassment

Lebanese Liliane reports on IndyACT's launching of a new comic campaign – “The Adventures of Salwa” – which aims to combat all forms of sexual harassment and abuse against children, girls, and women, especially after incidence have increased drastically.