L. Finch · January, 2012

Latest posts by L. Finch from January, 2012

Spanish-Speaking Twittersphere Fumes Over Announcement

  31 January 2012

Twitter's announcement that it will restrict certain user content according to the laws of individual countries immediately caused a negative reaction in the Spanish-speaking Twittersphere. Twitter users widely employed the hashtags #CensuramestaTwitter and #TwitterCensored to display their anger with the social networking site.

A Guide to Crowdsourcing in Latin America

  21 January 2012

Crowdsourcing allows anyone with an Internet connection to generate useful content for the masses. In Latin America, numerous crowdsourcing projects have arisen that respond to the needs and emergencies that the continent is facing. Jacinto Lajas on Periodismo Ciudadano presents examples of these initiatives in the region.