I-fan Lin · April, 2009

Latest posts by I-fan Lin from April, 2009

Taiwan: Preserving memories of Losheng

  6 April 2009

The action of saving the Losheng Sanatorium is not as successful as many people hoped. Many buildings in the sanatorium are being taken apart and taken away. However, many people keep caring about the people who have spent most of their life in the sanatorium. The Japanese frottage artist, Masao Okabe heard the story about the Losheng Sanatorium, and he decided to hold a frottage workshop to help people preserve their memory of Losheng.

Taiwan: Dancing with the glass eels

  4 April 2009

The adult eels live in rivers. During the reproduction season in summer, they swim downstream toward the deep sea thousands miles away (besides Philippine and the Mariana Islands) to lay their eggs. The eel larvae drift with the North Equatorial Current toward Philippine. They then drift with the Kuroshio toward north. Therefore, we can see people in different countries catch elvers along the way of the Kuroshio: Philippine, Taiwan, and Japan.