Carlos Dutra · March, 2009

Latest posts by Carlos Dutra from March, 2009

Brazil: On the Vatican's condemnation of raped-child's abortion

  12 March 2009

A 9-year-old girl several times raped and made pregnant by her stepfather was guaranteed the right to have an abortion legally in Brazil. After the operation, the Roman Catholic Church excommunicated the mother, the doctor and the whole medical team responsible for the operation. This has sparkled a great debate in Brazil: What is the Church's role in society?

Carlos Dutra's space

Projetos de Carlos Dutra
Para 2009, espero contribuir com matérias e traduções para o Global Voices Online; continuar estudando italiano, Adobe After FX; e, finalmente, abrir a Estúdioteca! (a agência publicitária da minha namorada, Livia, e minha).