Bob Chen · January, 2009

Latest posts by Bob Chen from January, 2009

China: Obama, can you?

  22 January 2009

Obama has been sworn in as the first African American president, with a popular support peaking at its high.  His inauguration summoned as many as two million people, and his address occasionally interrupted by thunder-like claps and acclaims. The rhythmic incanting “O-ba-ma!” oftentimes burst out of the packed and vital...

China: Farewell, Bullog

  15 January 2009

The government's clean-up campaign sweeps the internet world, while not only "pornography" is down, Bullog, a popular blog hosting site which plays as a vanguard of liberalism and democracy thinkings, also a front line of government criticisms and plaza of popular opinions, was shut down as well.

China: Antismut campaign sweeps internet. But any untold purpose?

  10 January 2009

An internet cleansing movement, or antismut campaign launched by the Chinese authority, is sweeping across the internet in recent days, targeting vulgar and obscene content. However, people doubt, it might foreshadow a larger campaign against all the critiques not in the government's favor.

China: Parents chocked their daughter to give room for boys

  7 January 2009

Chinese blogger Yang-zhizhu (杨支柱) sighed for the tragedy that a pair of parents choked their daughter so that they can have a boy under the cap of birth control in China, railing against the policy as forcing people to abandon “excessive” girls. In Chinese tradition, boys are much weighed over...