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The Mexican ‘Corrido’ of Feminist Liberation

  8 May 2015

Junio del 75 en México no te asombres Se juntaron mil señoras para hablar mal de los hombres […] Liberación absoluta es meta de la mujer Pero aquello de que hablamos Que no lo dejen de hacer aunque sea por favor In June of '75 in Mexico don’t be surprised...

Keeping Minors Safe Online Is Everyone's Responsibility

  6 May 2015

We live in an age in which dizzying technological advances sometimes put minors in danger. In a post on blog Mujeres Construyendo (Women Building), Gloria Serrato delves into society's responsibility to protect them and teach them the appropriate use of new technologies: Diferentes organismos han emitido iniciativas para defender a los menores de...

The Troubling State of Abortion Rights in Ecuador

  1 May 2015

This text is part of the 49th edition of #LunesDeBlogsGV (Monday of blogs on GV) on April 13, 2015. Underage pregnancy has been rising in Ecuador for the past several years, while abortion even in cases of rape or incest remains criminalized. According to the State Prosecutor, 98 percent of rapes in Ecuador last year occurred...

The Quest for the Mexican Miracle

  29 April 2015

Against the backdrop of elections scheduled for 7 June 2015 in Mexico, Fernando Vazquez blogging on Futuros Anticipados reflects on the quest for a miracle in development, growth and honesty, at times hindered by apathy and inaction of some.  […] se firmó el TLC, se adelgazó al estado, se privatizó la industria pública....

‘Nappies in Adolescence': Alarming Number of Pregnant Teens in Venezuela

  28 April 2015

Desireé Lozano, blogging for Voces Visibles, urges attention be paid to the extremely high rate of teenage pregnancies in Venezuela, where 25% of the pregnancies are among young people, and the lack of an appropriate public policy to counter this phenomenon and its repercussions. Venezuelan statistics are the highest in South America...

Are Blogs an Endangered Species?

  23 April 2015

This text is part of the 46th #LunesDeBlogsGV (#MondayBlogsOnGlobalVoices) on March 23, 2015. On #LunesDeBlogsGV (#MondayOfBlogsOnGlobalVoices), we work to preserve blogs as an “endangered species”, confronting the challenges that threaten their existence in today's digital jungle. In a similar effort, the blogger Iván Lasso compiles stories about the future of blogging and the problems bloggers face today, when their...

What Does Hacking Education Mean?

  22 April 2015

Pedro Muller reflects on the lapse of the school system, an institution he says meant for a different historical context. In this regard, he notes the importance of two similar, but at the same time different, concepts: “to study” and “to be educated”: El educar se va más allá de...

The European Union Won't Give e-Books Reduced VAT

  16 April 2015

On March 5, 2015, the European Union Court of Justice ruled that the reduced value-added tax (VAT) established for printed books should not apply to digital books, considering everything distributed or delivered electronically or via Internet as a service. Amalia Lopez questions the resolution on the Blog Sinerrata Editores: Lo que más me...

Ecuador's Creeping Criminalization of Abortion

  13 April 2015

Marita Seara, blogging for Voces Visibles, warns about the growing criminalization of abortion in Ecuador, one of the most difficult countries in Latin America for women to obtain an abortion, second only to Venezuela.  Hay dos únicos casos en los cuales es permitido el aborto: cuando corre peligro la vida...

The Media's Role in Mexico's ‘Warped’ Democracy

  27 March 2015

Blogger Fernando Vázquez Rigada reflects on the role of the media in Mexico, a country where he says democracy is “warped” because it only works on a formal level, and society isn't adequately represented by the political institutions. He adds that Mexican media bear a huge responsibility in this issue....

Can Artists Earn a Living in the Age of Social Media?

  19 March 2015

Not only can artists live off their work, but the Internet can actually be a lifeline for them in today's increasingly competitive marketplace. The blog RamGon looks into opportunities for painters in social media and, more importantly, into how the medium can help artists to publicize and market their work.  In...

Spain and Latin America Celebrate Open Data Day

  6 March 2015

One again, bloggers, hackers, designers, experts, as well as citizens interested in open data and transparency will meet to celebrate International Open Data Day 2015 all over the world to promote the opening of government data. The event is expected to have online meetings but also in-person activities all over...

Mexican Protesters Show Creative Activism

  5 March 2015

@faeriedevilish, blogging for Infoactivismo, reflects on the need to be creative in communicating our protests. Along those lines, the author explains the importance of creativity while referring to protesting events in Ayotzinapa, where photocopies of the victims’ faces were used to attract and generate awareness about the terrible incidents. Illustrators...

The Political Apartheid Against Women in Venezuela

  26 February 2015

Desireé Lozano, a blogger for the Spanish-language website Voces Visibles (Visible Voices), reflects on the existing limitations on women’s political participation in Venezuela. According to the sociologist Evangelina García Prince, a kind of political apartheid that excludes women from decision-making reigns in the Venezuelan parties: En los partidos venezolanos, el discurso oficial...

Argentina: The Tourism Input in Economy

  29 December 2014

Blogging for Turytecnia, Adrián Martinez echoes the results of the survey published by the World Travel & Tourism Council, WTTC, where we can find and interactive infography with data from the tourism industry and its impact on the economy in different countries, where we can observe: […] la evolución que ha...

Argentina: Outstanding Tourist Attractions on Social Media in 2014

  27 December 2014

Wenceslao Bottaro presents us with the most outstanding tourist attractions on social media from the interior of the country, according to the II Edition of the Ranking of Tourist Attractions and Social Networks in Argentina 2014. He also explains that this ranking is important because: […] sirve cómo radiografía del trabajo...

How to Reduce the Production of CO2 in Daily Life?

  26 December 2014

Rut Abrain reflects on her blog Esturirafi about one of the main cause of climate change: the production of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this sense, the blogger stresses out that not only factories, vehicles and planes produce CO2, but also each one of un in our daily lives. To have...

Mexico: An Unsatisfactory and Late Presidential Address

  26 December 2014

On Thursday, November 27, 2014, Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto addressed publicly Mexican nation to make a stand about the shocking events occured in Iguala and to announce a set of actions to be taken. The address was a disappointment for most of the Mexican people, who expected more from...