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FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Already Ancient History

Categories: Latin America, Brazil, Colombia, Citizen Media, Sport

Colombian James Rodríguez [1], highest scorer in World Cup Brazil 2014. Image [2] by Calcio Streaming [3] on flickr (CC BY 2.0). [4]

Caligo, author of Spanish blog La ilógica [5] (The ilogical) and Colombian fan, shares his final thoughts about 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil [6]. The mentions the highest points of the tournament: the German champions, the flaws on the Argentinian team, the outstanding Colombian James Rodríguez, Brazil humiliation by the German crew, among others [7].

Menotti dijo “El fútbol representa la cultura de un país”, esta es la Alemania campeona: simple, eficiente, optimizadora, trabajo en equipo, proyecto a largo plazo, estrategia que se ejecuta y se mide.


Más de una amiga no colombiana escribió “Amo a James”. Cómo no quererlo si tiene todas las cualidades que enamoran: alegría, compromiso, generosidad, talento, ternura, responsabilidad y entrega. […] Lo que siempre debe producir más que una sonrisa es pensar que le quedan ocho años de fútbol de primer nivel. (Goleador del Mundial con seis goles, en cinco partidos consecutivos, además de dos asistencias. Grande entre los grandes).

(Argentinian football coach César Luis) Menotti once said “Football represents the culture of a country”, this is the German champion: simple, efficient, optimizing, team working, a long term project, a strategy that gets executed and measured.


More than one non Colombian girl wrote “I love James”. How not to love him if he has all the qualitiues to fall for him: joy, commitment, generosity, talent, tenderness, responsibility and dedication. […] What will always produce more than a smile is to think that we still have eight more years of first level football (highest World Cup scorer, in five games in a row, plus two assists. A great among the great ones).

Now we'll just have to wait four years for Russia 2018. For more football passon from the Colombian perspective, you can follow Caligo on his blog [5] and on Twitter [8].

This post was part of the eleventh #LunesDeBlogsGV [9] (Monday of blogs on GV) on July 14, 2014.