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Atletico Madrid Football Club Campaign

Categories: Western Europe, Spain, Venezuela, Citizen Media, Sport

Américo Alvarado wrote on Barataria about the campaign by Atletico Madrid Football Club [1]:

Sometimes, we witness real life stories, worthy of the seventh art. And right now we are witnessing one of those stories, somehow we are living it in the thrilling world of football. Heroic and inspiring are just a couple of adjectives that come to my mind to, somehow, classify the season Atletico Madrid Football Club is going through, with “Cholo” Simeone [2]. A team that, against all odds, is two matches away from becoming monarch of the so called Star League and, besides all that, the team has seeped, after forty years, in the final match of the tournament of the most important clubs in the world: the UEFA Champions League.

The post reviewed here was part of the second #LunesDeBlogsGV [3] [Monday of blogs on GV] on May 12, 2014, submitted by @rennygranda [4].