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Fire Destroys Basin Market in Bamako, Mali

Categories: Sub-Saharan Africa, Mali, Breaking News, Citizen Media, Disaster, Economics & Business

An accidental fire destroyed the basin market [1][fr] located near the Wahhabites Mosque of Bamako yesterday (12/15). It is the third tragedy of such kind in market area of Bamako in 4 years. Nama explains why such incident seems to repeat itself in his city [fr] [2] :

Plusieurs plans d'aménagement de l'Artisanat ont été proposés par les autorités depuis la construction de la grande mosquée. Aucune de ces études n'a pas pu être concrétisée. Tout semble géré par une mafia qui ne dit pas son nom. Partout règnent l'anarchie et l'incivisme à zéro pas de l'Assemblée Nationale.

Several estate developments for the handicraft have been proposed by the authorities since the construction of the Great Mosque. None of these studies have ever materialized. Everything seems to be run by an invisible mafia. Anarchy and incivility prevail everywhere in the district, right under the nose of the National Assembly.

Basin Market in Bamako, Mali via Palladium blog [3]

Basin Market in Bamako, Mali via Palladium blog