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Global Voices Meetup in Kampala, Uganda

Categories: Uganda, Citizen Media, Announcements, Rising Voices

gv-meetup-logo-gvmeetup-400Our third Global Voices Meetup [1] will take place in Kampala, Uganda on November 23, 2013 at the Hive Colab [2].

This Meetup is especially targeted at the hundreds of Rising Voices [3] microgrant applicants from across Uganda. Over the past three years, we received the most number of applications from East Africa, including from all corners of Uganda. We hope that this Meetup will help facilitate connections.

The Meetup will bring together many of these community members to share their experiences and help facilitate connections between others that share similar interests or missions. Hosted by two of our community members Maureen Agena (@maureenagena [4]) and Rosebell (@RosebellK [5]), as well as other GV volunteers, the gathering will focus on:

Since the focus of this meetup is primarily for past microgrant applicants, the invitation was initally sent to these groups, and all of the slots are filled. 

Follow the event through Twitter via #GVMeetup [8] and for more information, please contact: rising [at] globalvoicesonline.org