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Social Media Week Discusses Principles for a Collaborative World

Categories: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, India, U.S.A., United Kingdom, Citizen Media, Media & Journalism, Technology

Follow @socialmediaweek [1] on Twitter or the hashtags for the event: #SMW13 [2] (general), #SMWBerlin [3]#SMWBog [4] (Bogota), #SMWChicago [5]#SMWLDN [6] (London), #SMWLA [7] (Los Angeles), #SMWMumbai [8]#SMWSP [9] (São Paulo), #SMWTo [10] (Toronto).

Social Media Week [11], a worldwide event which “brings people, brands and organizations together to explore how we connect and communicate as a society”, starts today, September 23, 2013.

In the second edition of this year's global conference, with the cities of Berlin, Bogotá, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, São Paulo and Toronto as hosts, more than 1,000 events are expected to take place [12] “exploring the social, cultural and economic impact of social media”.

The global theme [13] that marks the fifth year of Social Media Week is “Open & Connected: Principles for a collaborative world”.

Related post on Global Voices – Italy: Social Media Week in Milan and Worldwide [14] (2010)