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They Murder Trees in Egypt

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Arts & Culture, Environment

Michael Hanna, an Egyptian blogger and pharmacist, continued his series of mourning the murder of trees, as well as demolishing antique villas in Heliopolis suburb in Cairo, and wrote an ode to a palm tree [1] [ar].

Three months ago, he took a photograph of what is perhaps the oldest palm tree in the region. He blogs:

لعل هذه كانت النخلة الأطول والأقدم في مصر الجديدة، عمرها من عمر الضاحية نفسها.
Perhaps this Palm tree was the longest and oldest in Heliopolis area, and perhaps as old as the suburb itself.
An old palm tree on Al Ahram Street [1]

An old palm tree on Al Ahram Street, in Heliopolis suburb

Hanna continues:

الصور بالأعلى ملتقطة منذ حوالي ثلاثة أشهر. أمس مررت بالمكان، وفوجئت بأن شخصا ما قرر إنهاء حياتها، ولم يتبق منها سوى هذا. بقايا جذع ومجرد حفرة يحشر فيها الناس القمامة.
The above image was captured about three months ago. Yesterday I passed by the place, and was surprised that someone decided to end it's life.. leaving only this. Remnants of the trunk and just a hole where people throw their trash.
A hole, where people throw trash, where a palm tree once stood [1]

A hole, where people throw trash, where a palm tree once stood