26 September 2012

Stories from 26 September 2012

Kyrgyzstan: Virtual Farming, Real Harvest

  26 September 2012

You can now grow real organic vegetables and raise livestock online. Caravanistan reports about a new project [ru] in Kyrgyzstan which allows users to purchase a plot of land or an animal on a virtual farm. The proceeds then go to real farmers who do the work and supply the users with vegetables...

Peru: Young Woman Killed After Participating in Reality Show

  26 September 2012

Peruvian netizens were shocked by the murder of 19-year-old Ruth Thalia Sayas Sanchez, a young Peruvian woman who participated in the newly launched reality show 'The value of truth' (El valor de la verdad). Her ex-boyfriend and two others kidnapped and later killed her for money after she had won 15,000 Peruvian soles (about US$5,700) on the show.

Guinea-Bissau: Impact of Tourism in the Bijagós Islands

  26 September 2012

Tourism doesn't always mean wealth and development for the Southern countries. The statement comes from a report [pt] on “Dynamics and impacts of the expansion of tourism in the Bijagós islands”, a protected sea area in Guinea Bissau. Cape Verdean blog Morabeza shares [pt] the study by CETRI (Centre Tricontinental)...

Colombia: Chronicling a Mugging

  26 September 2012

Santiago Ardila Reyes blogs [es] about the mugging he suffered in front of his house for his smartphone, describes how he feels about it, and wonders about the causes of the increasing reports of muggings and murders in Colombia.