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Brazil: Media, Citizenship, and Public Policies Under Debate

Categories: Latin America, Brazil, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Technology

All links lead to Portuguese language pages.

To explore topics on “Media, Citizenship, and Public Policies” is the invitation launched by the VIII Brazilian Citizen Media Conference [1] to media professionals, investigators in this area, scholars, social movements members, civil society representatives, professors and students, who are gathered on September 24th and 25th, 2012 at Brasilia University to

debater temas relacionados ao direito à comunicação, a produção de conteúdo pela população, ao protagonismo da sociedade no processo comunicacional e a todos os elementos que compõem a mídia cidadã. Além do debate, o encontro busca promover o diálogo e o intercâmbio entre as pesquisas acadêmicas e as experiências inovadoras da sociedade civil de produção de mídia que enfatizem uma prática cidadã.

VIII Conferência Brasileira de Mídia Cidadã - Mídia, Cidadania e Políticas Públicas [2]

VIII Brazilian Citizen Media Conference. Media, Citizenship, and Public Policies. Twitter: @midiacidada2012 [3]

debate themes related to the right to communication, to the production of content by the population, the role of society in the communication process and all the elements of citizen media. Besides the debate, the meeting seeks to promote dialogue and exchange between academic research and innovatice experiences from civil society of media production that emphasize citizenship practice.

Searching to understand “how the media helps to construct and deconstruct social mobilization”, questions will be addressed regarding communication, health, education, and human rights, with a more general scope of this session of the conference – Media, Citizenship, and Public Policies – and with special emphasis on research, media and citizenship practices in Latin America.

The extensive debate program [1], round tables and workshops, especially rich in work groups [4], also include the participation of Global Voices contributors, Elisa Thiago [5] and João Miguel Lima [6] [en].

On the first day, September 24th, João Miguel spoke on the “construction of online citizen media coverage” through the case study of the special page launched in 2011 by Global Voices in Portuguese, the Belo Monte Dossier [7]. The presentation was held in a work group dedicated to the theme “Journalistic practice and the (des)respect towards the citizen,” where more was talked about Belo Monte and its “social invisibility in media discourse,” by Josiele Souza, as well as “local telejournalism” and TV Guairacá, in Brazilian state Paraná, by Ariana Pereira and Luciana Grande, and radio community projects.

On 25th, Elisa Thiago is addressing “Digital Activism and Citizen Media” under the transnational perspective of Global Voices, in a session dedicated to “Considerations about communication and citizenship in the Latin American context.” The list of speakers includes Tabita Strassburger, on “the Latin American context and the media experience of TeleSUR website,” Rodrigo Braz and “the conception of communication public service in Venezuela,” that also brings a proposal from Mariana Holando to a “Broadcasting Service in Brazil and Accountability.” Rayza Sarmento will speak about “conflict discourse in the media as political opportunity for social movements.”

All the sessions can be followed on Facebook [8] and Twitter (@midiacidada2012 [3]) through the hashtag #MidiaCidada2012 [9].

Video and experiences in parallel

In parallel, there will be a Citizen Video Exhibition [10] with different formats and narrative approaches about citizen media experiences, produced by the Citizen Media Brazilian Network [11].

“Enxergando o Invisível” (Seeing the invisible), by Patricia Banuth, is a documentary project [12] about visually impaired and an audio description on how to use accessibility and digital inclusion. Marconi Araújo wrote [13] about the film in his blog:

Filmes para cegos ou deficientes visuais? Tal expressão pode causar, no mínimo, estranheza a quem nunca ouviu falar da audiodescrição em cinema, recurso que permite a tradução verbal de cenários e aspectos visuais dos filmes, o que propicia levar a experiência da sétima arte a todo um segmento da população portadora daquela deficiência.

Movies for blind or visually impaired people? Such an expression may cause, at least, a sense of strangeness for those who have never heard of audio description in cinema, a feature that allows the oral translation of scenarios and visual aspects of the film, which provides the experience of taking the seventh art to a whole segment of the population with that disability.

Also to be screened are”Entre Vãos [14]“, by Luiza Caetano, about the remaining quilombola community Kalunga Vão das Almas, “Por longos dias [15]“, by Mauro Giuntini, with texto from the Nobel laureate of lusophone litrature José Saramago about the Movimento Sem Terra in Brazil, and “Dom Helder, o Santo rebelde [16],” by Erika Bauer.

The Innovative Experiences in Citizen Media Fair [17] also illustrates current and different practices of media and citizenship in Brazil.

O projeto Rádio Dissonante vai organizar uma oficina sobre a criação e manutenção de rádios coletivas online. [18]

The Rádio Dissonante project will organize a workshop on the creation and maintenance of online radio collective. Dissonante.org [19]

There will be presentations of the Informativo Fábrica de Imagens [20] (@FabricaImagens [21]), from Fortaleza, dedicated to genre issues, sexual diversity and youth, and the independent communication project Vírus Planetário [22] Magazine (@VirusPlanetario [23]), comprising graduates, students and academics to discuss politics, culture and media, created in Rio de Janeiro.

The Vila Embratel [24] TV (@TVVilaEmbratel [25]) also will be present with its project of social inclusion that connects Universidade Federal do Maranhão with teenagers from the community to produce content for an online TV channel that “shows positive aspects of neighborhood, usually portrayed in traditional media in a negative way.”