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Venezuela: Is a Natural Disaster Looming Over Mata Redonda?

Categories: Latin America, Venezuela, Citizen Media, Disaster, Elections, Environment, Governance

Neighbors of the Mata Redonda community, in the Venezuelan city of Maracay [1], are using citizen media to denounce a possible natural disaster if the contention wall that separates the zone from Lake Valencia [2] were to collapse.

The discussion started after a video posted on YouTube and its dissemination across Twitter and Facebook. This also brought the issue of the pollution of lake Valencia [3] [es] and the lack of sanitation work back to the table.

During recent days, several videos have been shared that point out the possibility of an environment disaster. Potential solutions and prevention measures are also being discussed on citizen media. Many families are worried that they won't have a place to shelter in case of flooding and others are raising the alarm after feeling unheard.

User Ruckyto published the video that netizens are sharing:

Also, Romualdo Hostos filmed the effect of rain on the zone weeks ago:

Hostos comments:

En la noche del 14 de agosto luego de una torrencial lluvia en Maracay Edo Aragua, en la Urb Mata Redonda el Rio Madre Vieja Lindero de la Manzana 29 de la urbanizacion se desborda a traves de las casas de dicha manzana poniendo en [zozobra] a la comunidad, en espera de que el ministerio del ambiente ejecute la sentencia del TSJ.

On the night of August 14, after a heavy rain in Maracay Edo Aragua, in the Urbanization of Mata Redonda the Madre Vieja Lindero river on block 29 flooded around the houses, making the community anxious as they wait for the environmental ministry to execute the sentence of the TSJ [Supreme Tribunal of Justice].

The complaints continued on Twitter, where many wonder if Venezuela is heading towards a new tragedy like the one in Amuay [4]. Sonia Guanipa (@soniaguanipar [5]) [es] says:

@soniaguanipar [6]: ¿Otra tragedia +?…Muro de contención de #MataRedonda [7] #MARACAY [8]: http://youtu.be/tA-u-6SG-xU [9]

@soniaguanipar [6] [es]: Another tragedy?… Contention wall in #MataRedonda [7] #MARACAY [8]http://youtu.be/tA-u-6SG-xU [9]

Discussions have also included the intense race for October's elections. Many have considered the lack of attention of public institutions as a weak point for President Hugo Chávez’ campaign. Others stressed the responsibility of communities and the solutions already presented, which they say cannot have an immediate effect.

The blog Todos unidos por Venezuela [10] [es] (All United for Venezuela) comments:

Atención, este video tomado hoy muestra la próxima tragedia que ocurrirá. El muro de contención de Mata Redonda está a punto de ceder, y el agua está a mas de 2 metros sobre le nivel de la calle. Apenas el muro se rompa se inundara toda la zona sin que nadie sepa cuales serán los daños. Después chavez aparece echandole la culpa ala cuarta y diciendo que eso no es problema de él. La función debe continuar! [Sic]

Attention, this video shot today shows the next tragedy to occur. The contention wall of Mata Redonda is about to break, and the water is more than 2 meters above street level. As soon as the wall collapses, the entire zone will be flooded and no one knows what the damage will be. Chavez will later appear blaming the “fourth” and saying that it is not his problem. The show must go on!