Video: ‘Human Rights Now!’ Campaign Launched in Costa Rica

Last Friday, August 3, the group Citizens for Human Rights [es] launched the campaign “Human Rights Now!”, in which different Costa Rican personalities call for the need for the State to guarantee the human rights of all people.

As the press release [es] states, this campaign joins a broad movement in Costa Rica that has been growing due to the political authorities’ negligence to provide satisfactory solutions to the continued violation of these rights.

Same sex unions, the sexual and reproductive rights of women, a secular State, and the destitution of Justo Orozco from the presidency of the Human Rights Commission are some of the issues that the group included in the spot.


  • Gary Christensen TV 10 News, Costa Rica
    Hold your horses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oscar Arias and Jose Miguel Insulza -OAS – “institutionalized organized crime”
    In Costa Rica the defacto President Oscar Arias with his secret (wikileaks) “US vetted” CIA Presidential Police – La DIS, UN OAS & multinational corporations control all media and the court system.
    The DIS and the US threaten and attack all here in Costa Rica and intimidate journalists in the US who attempt to disseminate Oscar Arias Presidential cartel extortion, blackmail, violence against women,human rights abuses and beatings (torture) of thousands upon thousands of innocent citizens.
    It is a state apparatus of extortion, violence, terorrism, beatings and constitutional and human rights violations.
    Cost Rican Presidency has threatened us and other journalists with jail sentences should we reveal corruption and Constitutional violations.
    “New law imposes a sentence (between four to eight years) in prison to those who obtain “secret political information”.–impone-carcel-a-quien-obtenga–informacion-secreta-politica-.aspx?Page=2
    Death Threats by Government of Oscar Arias (INS) against ANEP
    Cato Institute, Washington D.C.
    The Mafia: “Institutionalized Organized Crime” The PLN and (the Government of Oscar Arias, the US, Laura Chinchilla
    Foundation for Human Rights
    The “ultra repressive” Presidential Police la DIS of Oscar Arias/OAS/US/UN an arm – un apendice of the C.I.A.
    Gary Christensen TV 10 News

  • […] An example of this is that on August 3, the group Citizens for Human Rights [es] organized the campaign “Human Rights Now!”, in which different Costa Rican personalities called on the State to guarantee human rights for […]

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