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Slovakia: Stop ACTA Protest

Categories: Eastern & Central Europe, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Citizen Media, Digital Activism, Freedom of Speech, International Relations, Law, Politics, Protest, Technology

An anti-ACTA [1] rally took place in Bratislava on Feb. 4. On the protest's Facebook page [2] [sk], nearly 7,500 people wrote they would attend, and over 3,800 wrote they'd “maybe” attend. The weather was cold and windy; the recent news from Poland, which has postponed the ratification [3] of ACTA, was good; and it's unlikely that anything will be approved before the Slovak early elections in March [4]. As a result, only 500 people or so showed up for the rally [sk; photos [5]; video [6]]. This week, a number of Slovak [7] and Czech [8] politicians announced they were in favor of postponing the ratification of the controversial treaty.