Arab World: Ibn Khaldun Gets Doodled and Tweeted


Birthday of the Philosopher Ibn Khaldun, see our special doodle on #ibn5ldoon #tunisia

Considered the greatest Arab historiographer and historian, the philosopher Ibn Khaldun was born in present-day Tunisia in 1332. He is also known as the father of cultural history and modern social science. Google's Doodle sparked the Twitter hashtag #ibn5ldoon, reminding us of this great scholar and his work. Here are some of the tweets celebrating his work:

@Shahadiana reminds us of one of his quotes:

ولا تنكرنّ ما ليس بمعهود عندك ولا في عصرك شيء من أمثاله فتضيق حوصلتك عند ملتقط الممكنات
Deny not what you are unfamiliar with nor that which in your time is uncommon for thus you narrow your comprehension of the possible

@shushua shares another:

اتباع التقاليد لا يعني ان الاموات احياء بل ان الاحياء اموات
Following tradition does not mean that the dead are alive rather that the alive are dead.

And @Ulfatak relates some of the sage's teachings to recent developments in the region:

#Ibn5ldoon emphasized importance of “sense of solidarity” in political development. Highly relevant to #Yemen today

@A7meid_ digs into Ibn Khaldun's philosophy:

العرب قوم همج … لم يوحدهم إلا الدين – ابن خلدون
Arabs are a savage people…only religion will unite them – Ibn Khaldun

And @octavianasr finds another gem:

“Arabs yield power to no one even father or brother.. Resulting in disagreements.. Leaving their land chaotic lacking leadership.”

@najool recalls philosophy class:

الانسان كائن حي يؤثر ويتأثر بالبيئه المحيطه حوله..هذا ماتبقى في ذاكرتي الدراسيه من مقدمه ابن خلدون
Human beings affect and are affected by their surrounding environments…that's the only thing I remember from my studies of Ibn Khaldun's Muqadimmah (Prolegomenon)

And so does @Rima_Awada:

#ibn5ldoon…I still remember the nights I spent reading small parts of Al Muqaddimah #school #philosophy

Meanwhile, I also came across this interesting blog post at SheikhyNotes, Ibn Khaldun the father of Economics:

Not only did Ibn Khaldun plant the germinating seeds of classical economics, whether in production, supply, or cost, but he also pioneered in consumption, demand, and utility, the cornerstones of modern economic theory.

@arablit is inspired:

Google doodle for my favorite philosopher, Ibn Khaldun: Admire and read Bensalem Himmich's novel “The Polymath.”

And @Aalbaker is pleased:

A gracious gesture from @GoogleArabia remembering #ibn5ldoon. His timeless masterpiece the Muqaddimah is a must read

Learn more about Ibn Khaldun by clicking through the May 27 Google Doodle, and on the Twitter hashtag #ibn5ldoon.

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