22 December 2007

Stories from 22 December 2007

China: Zuola on how citizen media should work

  22 December 2007

A fist-chop in the throat and surveillance by secret police seems to have put a swift end to the career of China's most popular investigative blogger Zhou “Zuola” Shuguang, but judging from his post earlier this month ‘Zhou Shuguang's understanding of citizen reporters and citizen media’, if you were to...

Chile: A Gathering of Entrepreneurial Minds

  22 December 2007

Webprendedor, a gathering of entrepreneurs and those that want to find how they do it, took place in Santiago earlier this year. Many of the topics focused less on the technical aspects of internet businesses, but rather on vision, customer care and fundraising. Bloggers wrote about their experiences are presenters and as attendees, indicating their excitement about the future for these types of projects in Chile.