3 April 2007

Stories from 3 April 2007

Congo-Brazzaville: Florence Arthaud, Tourism and Corruption

  3 April 2007

Vous Reprendrez Bien Un Peu d'Humanisme is upset [Fr] that veteran sailor Florence Arthaud has accepted the Sassou-Nguesso government's offer to participate in a sailing event there in less than 2 weeks for an event that is designed to boost local tourism. Says the blogger: “Are French sailors naive? Does...

Brunei: Lasting Marriages

  3 April 2007

The blogger at Old Man's Blog relates the story of a friend whose marriage is on the rocks. The blogger who is himself a divorcee hopes for his friend to reconcile with her husband and get back together. The blogger laments the increase in marriages falling apart in Brunei.

Algeria: US Should Encourage Saudi

Algerian blogger Nouri cautions the West of misreading recent Saudi manoeuvres in leading Arab states. “The Americans should encourage Saudi leadership, because if their reaction to the Saudi drive for organization is mismanaged or misinterpreted, the consequences are potentially dire. And the consequences of continued Arab ambiguity and disunity are...

Myanmar: Blood Diamonds and Myanmar

  3 April 2007

The movie Blood Diamond reminds blogger Man Actually of his younger mining days in Myanmar. “And being once a miner myself deep in the jungle far north Myanmar's very own Jade Mines, you guess! how this movie would be so special to me..Along with the Archer and Solomon, the whole...

Somalia: email describes “new terror”

  3 April 2007

New Somalia publishes an email from Somalia describing “new terror”:We have lived in Mogadishu for 60 years and we have never known fighting on the scale of what we have suffered in the last week. The Ethiopian troops have been using tanks and missiles to demolish whole parts of the...

Armenia: Solving Politics

Responding to the news of an attempted assassination of a provincial mayor that left four people dead, Harmick comes up with an innovative solution for solving Armenia's politics

Kyrgyzstan: Deepening Divisions

Kyrgyz Report says that a prominent opposition leader in Kyrgyzstan is worried that the current tensions between the president and his former prime minister, who is currently trying to unite the opposition, will deepen regional divisions in the country.

Nigeria: confusion before election

  3 April 2007

Grandiose Parlor gives up on Nigeria general election, “As for me and my household, we have given up on the presidential elections because there’s nothing awe-inspiring or even encouraging among the present cadre of candidates. It is a shame that some of the promising candidates have either been bullied to...

Ukraine: Betting on Yushchenko

On Saturday, tens of thousands of people attended two major rallies in Kyiv: supporters of prime minister Victor Yanukovych and his ruling coalition were brought to European Square to protest president Victor Yushchenko's plans to dissolve the parliament; supporters of Yushchenko and his current allies stood at Maidan Nezalezhnosti, voicing...

Turkey is Typing…Film and Other Arts

Pursuits of the artistic type seemed to be on the fingertips of the Turkish bloggers this week from film reviews to art galleries and music. Film Athanasia's Daily gives us her review of the film Apocalypto, which she gave a 7 out of 10: That is to say, that man...

Africa: Afrigator arrives

  3 April 2007

A new blog aggregator from Africa, Afrigator: “Afrigator launched today, an excellent new website dedicated to aggregating blog posts from Africa. It joins the ranks of 1-year old Muti, 1-month old Amatomu, and 1-week old Mashada.”

Iran:Tehran based music band in N.Y.

In Project 300 we read “Tehran-based music band Hypernova, spearheaded by former Vancouverite -and friend of a friend- Raam, is in New York. Check out what they're up to. The music scene in Iran is quite complex, none of the music I have so far posted here is actually ‘legal’...

India: Bloggers Code of Conduct

  3 April 2007

Dina Mehta doesn't quite buy the concept of a Bloggers Code of Conduct. “It seems to me, culturally, it is a very North-American thing to think up. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love some aspects of North America and have met some of the finest folks there – but...