30 January 2007

Stories from 30 January 2007

Kazakhstan: Queuing for Profit

  30 January 2007

Ben Paarmann reports on a business so suited for post-Soviet countries that it's a wonder no one had already launched it in Kazakhstan: standing in line for cash. A new company launched by Ruslan Akkuzhin will allow people to hire someone to stand in lines for them. The person in...

Caucasus: iPod Purchasing Power Index

  30 January 2007

Social Science in the Caucasus posts on the idea of an iPod Purchasing Power Index and wonders why there is such a range of prices in Caucasus states. Onnik Krikorian responds to the post and looks at possible answers to why iPods are so expensive in Armenia.

Guatemala: Unearthing the Future

  30 January 2007

Xeni Jardin, best known for her writing at BoingBoing has also been blogging her recent travels in Guatemala including a five-part series for NPR called ‘Guatemala: Unearthing the Future.’ Patrick of the Guatemalan Solidarity Network expands on Jardin's first piece titled, “Group Works to Identify Remains in Guatemala.”

Argentina: On the Bus in Buenos Aires

  30 January 2007

“This post inaugurates a new category – On the bus – an occasional series of anecdotes from travels on the city buses.” Buenos Aires-based Jeffy Barry starts the new series with tales from bus #17.

Bolivia: Promoting Quechua and Aymara

  30 January 2007

Bloggings by boz links to a report from today's Washington Post reporting that “Bolivian President Morales’ government is making a major push to teach students Quechua and Aymara, Bolivia's two main native languages.” If you'd like to learn a little Quechua why not start with this lesson [ES] on bringing...

Morocco: War between Village Women!

  30 January 2007

Cory Driver, an American who lives in Morocco, withnessed a hilarious war between the women of a village he was visiting. “All the grown women.. were throwing grown-women-sized-rocks at each other. The men were mostly just standing around watching; occasionally cheering, occasionally trying to talk some sense into rock-throwers… but...

Venzuela: Translations from Spanish

  30 January 2007

Guillermo Parra of Venepoetics has published a slew of recent translations including Eduardo Vásquez's “Postmodernity Once Again,” which proposes two distinct foundations for Chavez's so-called “21st Century Socialism.” Parra also introduces his readers to award-winning poet and novelist Alberto Barrera Tyszka whose biography of Hugo Chavez will be published in...

Morocco: Too Many Policemen at Airport

  30 January 2007

Adil, a Moroccan blogger who lives in Washington DC, US, says there was far too many policemen at the King Mohammed the Fifth Airport. “I believe that airport is overstaffed with police. Passengers need more service oriented ppl to guide them through the arrival than a policeman with a moustache...

UAE: Interrogation Stories at US Border Anyone?

  30 January 2007

UAE resident SolitudDeGitana questions whether anyone knows what the amount of information you have to/should divulge during airport interrogations. “(T)he woman over at luggage inspection started asking me a string of other questions, namely about whether I had a boyfriend where I'm living in the MIddle East. I answered her,...

Czech Rebublic: Dechovka Music

  30 January 2007

NvB: Bored in Brno writes about dechovka music and posts a YouTube video of Eva and Vasek, “the most successful musical group in the [Czech] Republic from the standpoint of record sales”: “Happy listening! And remember, every Czech is not just a musician but also a dancer.”