7 November 2006

Stories from 7 November 2006

Dominican Republic: Maldito Flow

  7 November 2006

Maldito Flow, a “Spanglish”-language comic strip about a group of struggling Latin artists trying to make a name for their independent label, is now being distributed via weblog. Blog posts are occasionally accompanied by music clips.

Jamaica: Live TV, dead children

  7 November 2006

“a 21st century child not much different from the Victorian: one whose circumstances have forced him to grow up too fast,” writes Jamaican novelist Marlon James in his analysis of the effects of certain forms of mass media on young people.

Trinidad & Tobago: The responsible executive

  7 November 2006

“‘Corporate’ and ‘responsibility’ involve a contradiction in terms, of course, but I guess there's no harm in trying to imagine what a progressive corporate boss might do (as opposed to say), should such a creature exist,” writes Trinidad blogger Jeremy Taylor in the preamble to “The Responsible Executive's Manifesto”.

India: Hyphenated identites and on turning Canadian

  7 November 2006

What does it mean to change one's nationality? Lotus Reads on the occasion of turning Canadian. “few years ago saying they were Indian-Canadians would have seemed unpatriotic, but these days it seems everyone is happy to embrace their hyphenated identities, so I say it with pride: my kids are Indian-Canadians!”

Bangladesh: Minorities and attitudes

  7 November 2006

Rezwan reflects on being a member of a minority and the attitudes towards minorities in South Asia. “Or is this how minorities think? Is it an inferiority complex? Why do majorities have to always keep in mind that minorities can be sensitive. Minorities can be tyrants also.”

Nepal: The state of education

  7 November 2006

Democracy for Nepal comments on the state of education and government role in primary education in the country. “I made a short visit home to Gulmi over Dasain. The message from Gulmi could very well be a message from any of the other 74 districts of Nepal. Despite the conflict...

Pakistan: Architecture in Bahawalpur state

  7 November 2006

All Things Pakistan on the architectural heritage in Bahawalpur state. “The legacy of Bahawalpur state has been in ruins like many other historical places of the country. These building have potential to attract a great deal of tourists. But what the heirs and the government need is a good planning...

Lebanon: Sweet and Sour

  7 November 2006

Iraq, Palestine, Israel, and an alternative drink to the regular carbonated soda were topics discussed in the Lebanese blogs this week. The reconvening of the internal political discussion among rival Lebanese politicians in the form of “the consultations” was also the focus of many blogs. Before embarking on the tiresome...