· May, 2009

Stories about United Kingdom from May, 2009

Caribbean, UK: Padel resigns from Oxford post

  27 May 2009

After regional bloggers reacted en masse to the withdrawal of St. Lucian Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott from the race to be Oxford Professor of Poetry, Ruth Padel, Walcott's closest competitor who eventually won the coveted post, has resigned under pressure of mounting allegations that she was the puppet master behind the smear campaign. Caribbean bloggers do not seem surprised.

Saudi Arabia: Thoughts from a London Trip

Saudi blogger Prometheus [Ar] is just back from the UK and shares his impressions from his visit and the people he saw there in this post. During his visit, he tells us about the books which are banned in our countries and are available in London, and the open heated debates between the media and politicians which are beamed on television screens. Read to the end to see his final conclusion.

Russia: Translation of Baymurat Story

Jost A Mon translates Roman Gruzov's Bolshoi Gorod text (RUS) about Baymurat, “an unlikely star” of the Russian internet, mentioned on GV back in April – here: “… a poorly dressed Tajik gastarbeiter who brilliantly performed the song ‘Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Aaja’ from the Hindi film ‘Disco Dancer’ with such...

The Gurkhas: Long History Of Discrimination

  11 May 2009

The Gurkhas, young men from Nepal who serve in the British military, have served the Queen and the United Kingdom for almost two centuries. Unfortunately, the British government has been less than fair when it comes to honoring their service and sacrifice. The British press and blogopshere are buzzing about the new government proposal that is very unfair to the Gurkhas.

Saudi Arabia: Why are they better than us?

After a visit to the the UK's capital London, Saudi blogger Prometheus [Ar] asks: “As I was looking at all those monumental achievements, I asked myself: Why don't we have similar things? We aren't any less than others. We have immense wealth which, if it was used properly, our conditions...

Global Health: “Swine Flu” In Images

  10 May 2009

Though concerns over the "swine flu" outbreak have eased, the virus continues to spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization announced today that there are now 4,379 confirmed cases of the virus in 29 countries. Here are some images of the swine flu's impact globally.