· January, 2007

Stories about Fiji from January, 2007

Caught On Camera: Human Rights Videos on GV

  16 January 2007

You'd be forgiven for thinking it's been Saddam, Saddam, Saddam, in recent weeks, but GV has covered other human rights videos that deserve a bit of limelight – so, in this regular new feature, I'm going to round up the best of those recent stories. Something for WITNESS's Amazon Wishlist...

Fiji: Fiji's Council of Chiefs And the New Government

  12 January 2007

Stuck in the Mud of Fiji says that Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs that had initially refused to endorse the new government set up by coup leader General Frank Bainimarama has now decided to support it. Despite the support, the blogger wants to see how they resolve their difference with...

Fiji: Stopping Coups

  6 January 2007

David Farar has an idea to stop the reoccurrence of coups in Fiji. “Maybe when Fiji finally gets a legal Government again, they could give Bainimarama the Saddam treatment – that might put an end to this cycle of coups. Okay no death penalty I agree, but's let's settle for...

Fiji: Coup Leader becomes the Prime Minister

  5 January 2007

May Hnin Phyu in Fiji comments that it will not be so easy to address the new leader of Fiji. “I’m wondering how are they going to address him – “The Honorable Commondore Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Sir”. Whoa, what a long title. I need some water.” Frank Bainimarama recently...

Fiji: Rigged Elections

  3 January 2007

FijiBuzz posts a video released by the military that features a representative of the winning party and an Australian financial backer of another party that seemingly points to the rigging of elections held in 2006.