· February, 2011

Stories about Lebanon from February, 2011

Lebanon: March Against Sectarianism #Feb27 #uniteLB

  27 February 2011

Lebanese activists are marching today, Feb27, at noon, to demand the end of the confessional system that rules Lebanon. The activists are using this Facebook group to organize. The Unite Lebanon hashtag #uniteLb is also used for Twitter updates.

Lebanon: 128 Dictators or More to Revolt Against?

  23 February 2011

While the Arab world has been and is still revolting against its dictators, the situation in Lebanon is a bit different and more complex. According to netizens Imad Bazzi and Ali Fakhry, the Lebanese people are suffering from 128 dictators, who make up the Lebanese Parliament, and a sectarian regime. They decided to stage a protest to voice their concerns. Here is what happened and reactions which followed.

Lebanon: Vocal support for Egyptian protestors

  1 February 2011

The Lebanese blogosphere has been vociferous in its support for the Egyptian protests that have so far left up to 150 people dead. They have been anything but idle as the Arab world witnesses a momentous event that could change the region forever. Here's their take.