· December, 2012

Below are posts about citizen media in Farsi. Don't miss Global Voices به فارسی, where Global Voices posts are translated into Farsi! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about Farsi from December, 2012

Iranian-Americans Seek Heros to Save a Life

  24 December 2012

Nasim, a young woman from Northern California of Iranian decent is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Several Iranian celebrities have stepped up to help spread the word to save her. They are using social media to find a hero to give a bone marrow donation.

Most Corrupt Country Award Goes to Afghanistan

  14 December 2012

Afghanistan ranks as the world's most corrupt country in the latest survey by a global corruption watchdog. The release of the survey triggered a wave of anti-corruption rallies across the war-torn country. In Bamyan, civil society activists awarded an effigy of Afghan president with the 'Most Corrupt Country Cup'.

About our Farsi coverage
